|  Project 01
Lost and Found
|  Description
Music Box
"A Harry Potter themed, wind-up music box. It was about 3"*2" and used to fit easily in my palm and my jeans pocket. It was made of a light brown wood with the "Harry Potter" letterform engraved on it. It used to play "The Hedring's Theme" when wound up and you could see the entire mechanism when you lifted its lid. "
|  Design Process
I made a free-hand sketch according to the description I've got. And then I transmitted it to p5 sketch.
I started with the face while coding. I created a variable to represent the width of the face and I used it to set most other parameters, including stroke weight, since I don’t want to stretch the face. When I draw the eyes, I found them hard to locate. So I moved the coordinate origin to the center of the face.
|  Reflection
When I got the description from my partner, I thought I have a clear idea of how this music box looks like, since she wrote a lot of details, like the size and color. I didn’t realize that is not true until I started coding. Many details are still undefined. For instance, light brown sounds specific enough for me to picture it in my head, but I still have difficulty setting the RGB color code.
|  Credits
This project is created by Yiqing Zhou.
Partner: Mahima Jain